Saturday, 13 July 2013

Our day out in the 'city'

We set off from our usual meeting place at the usual time to go to Carlisle. Most of the Tanzanian students wouldn't have been in a city before so we took them to the largest town in Cumbria (we know it isn't much of a city). It's a reasonable long drive and since it was such a hot day as well we were all eager to get there. 

First we went to Tullie House where we got to experience the history of England. There were displays of Romans, Celtics,  Hadrians' wall and many more. There was plenty to see and do, including a art gallery and a colouring station which some people found entertaining. We also managed to dress up in Roman clothing which was fun! Everyone had a good look around all of the exhibits and Claire even built a fort!
At twelve o'clock we all met in the main entrance of Tullie House then decided what everybody was going to do next. All the student went to KFC whilst the leaders did there own thing. Gladly the tanzanian students seemed to really like KFC!

After our dinner, me(Lucy), Claire, Kira, James, Tia, Dani and Nadine took the girls (Meresiana, Lilian and Bupe) to laser quest.Unfortunately they did want to play so they sat out with Nadine whilst the rest of us shot each other. Most of us ended up just shooting each other as we found out when we got our score sheets. none of us were too great at the game so we all walked round together in a huddle however all the other people playing were obviously experienced and had tactics whereas we just ran about screaming at anything that slightly scared us. 
I came 6th out of 16 players (the best out of us lot) whereas tia came 16th, claire 15th and the rest somewhere in between.

By this time we were all roasting after running around for so long and the scorching bus didn't help but all in all it was a good day and the Tanzanians definitely got to experience what our 'city' is like.


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