Friday, 28 June 2013

Chottas Blog

The happiest day we were singing, dancing and got lunch with disabled at 
cosn centre  I enjoyed.

They asked question and we do. The way government 
manage to help that type of people to be like others is lesson to us. We have a school like Katumba II in Rungwe for the disabled few student that means we can plan more but we made them enjoy because being an able no one who know and they are human as we are!!. Also cycled to soften the different juice at the community centre.

The centre explain us to grow at list vegetable for home consumption in our small garden so as to eat fresh food. We ended by the joint committee(CRCL and RCCL) meeting at Becca's house, was my first time to meet chair person of CRCL. We agreed many things with different type of food.But every thing in Uk is good peolpe are kind i'm with my host eating every thing I want that's Andy and all Peter's family. Is me Chotta E.

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